Tue. Mar 11th, 2025
BISP Scam Alert: Benazir Program Announces Strict Action Against Fraudsters For 13500

BISP Scam Alert 2025

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is starting the process of distributing of BISP New Installment of Rs 13500. Those women who have not checked the amount, then they can send their ID card number to 8171 and check the amount. Apart from this, those who have money in their account and want to get it, then you can visit the campsite site established by BISP.

BISP Scam Alert: If you are facing any problem related to the deduction in the amount during this time. Then you can visit the government’s helpline number and the BISP office. You are being told the complete procedure step by step on how you can register your complaints. So that you can get the new installment of Rs 13,500 without any deduction in a completely safe way.

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How to Register Complaint For BISP Payment 13500 Deduction?

Women whose money has been deducted and who want to file complaints for this, then you should follow the following procedure.

How to Register Complaint For BISP Payment 13500 Deduction?
  • Go to the BISP office in your tehsil and get the complaint form from the representative there. 
  • If you are not able to fill out the form, then get help from the representative. 
  • Enter all the complaints on the form that you faced while collecting the money. 
  • After that, this form of yours will be sent to the director. 
  • Then you will be informed by the BISP. 
  • You will have to return to the BISP office to collect your full amount.

Apart from this, action will also be taken against the agent who has deducted the money from you.

Distribution Starts: Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Qist For Newly Eligible Beneficiaries Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Qist

Call At BISP Helpline Number For Assistance Regarding BISP Scam Alert

BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid has recently heard the complaints of many women in a court live. She also informed the women about the result she got and that they should receive their money without any deduction. If you face any problem during this time, then call the helpline number 0800-26 477 created by BISP. And file your complaint with the representative.

Chairperson Rubina Khalid BISP

Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) Chairperson Rubina Khalid recently listened to the complaints of the beneficiaries through the e-live court and also gave their answers about BISP Scam Alert 2025. In this e-live court, many women had complaints regarding the deduction of money, and Chairperson Rubina Khalid has also given solutions to remove this problem. So that women can get their problems solved on time. 

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BISP offices are available in every district and tehsil for your guidance. You can easily find a solution to any problem related to the Benazir Kafalat Program money from these offices. Strict action is also being taken against such agents who do not give the full amount to women. Therefore, if your money is deducted, you should contact the BISP helpline number or office in time.

How to Get Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) 13500 Payment?

Use the procedure given below to get the new amount from the Benazir Income Support Program.

1. BISP CampSite:

  • Visit the BISP campsite established in your tehsil. 
  • Provide your ID card to the representative. 
  • Complete the biometric verification through thumb.
  • Get your Rs 13500 without any deduction.

2. Jazz Cash Agents:

  • There are Jazz Cash agents in your district and tehsil. 
  • Take your ID card there. 
  • Tell the representative your ID card number, get verified through thumb.
  • Receive a new installment of Rs 13500 under Benazir Kafalat.
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3. Banks ATM:

The government has also taken the help of banks to make the distribution of money efficient and secure. You can visit these banks including HBL Bank ATM, Bank Alfalah ATM, Punjab Bank ATM, Bank Al Habib Limited ATM, Telenor Microfinance Bank ATM and Meezan Bank ATM.

Conclusion- BISP Scam Alert

BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid has heard the complaints of women in the recent e-court regarding money laundering. And from this, she has concluded that all the problems related to money laundering will be resolved.

Strict action will be taken against the representatives who are involved in money laundering. Further, she has also called for the help of BISP offices and helpline numbers to solve the problems of women. So that women who do not have any knowledge about these things can get these services to solve their problems.

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